Wednesday 18 November 2009

Reacting to the Reactive Framework: Part 8

Today I caught wind of some news that was bound to rouse me from my blogging slumber. The Reactive Framework, now known as Reactive Extensions (or Rx for short) has been released on DevLabs. The good news is that this release includes versions for .NET 3.5, .NET 4 Beta 2 and Silverlight 3, and documentation. The bad news is that at this stage, the documentation is pretty sparse - single sentence summaries and zero examples. Certainly, the summaries will help developer make sense of the impressive range of extension methods available on IObservable. For example, the comment on the rather cryptically named Amb - Returns the observable sequence that reacts first - makes its purpose quite clear, even if it doesn’t help explain the name. However the same cannot be said for all the cases, such as Dematerialize - Dematerializes the explicit notification values of an observable sequence as implicit notifications. Perhaps that will make sense once I understand the difference between explicit and implicit notifications, but its unlikely that the documentation (in its current form) will help me understand this. No matter - this intermediate release is certainly welcome and I now look forward to diving back in to Rx with at least some clue of what things are supposed to do :)

If you are interested in the Reactive Extensions I recommend you check out the team blog. The announcement post has plenty of links for you to click and learn more. I also recommend Matt Podwysocki’s series of Rx posts. Also, don’t forget that now Rx is on DevLabs, there’s a dedicated forum.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Reacting to the Reactive Framework: Part 7

The demo application for today allows the user to experiment with a couple of the mechanisms that I tried for part 6. As you may recall, I wanted an IObservable<int[]> that would return the three selections made from three groups of radio buttons, and only begin returning values once a selection had been made from all three. The demo app allows you to switch between using SelectMany, ForkJoin and CombineLatest and observe how the behavior changes:

The first approach I tried was SelectMany - I’ll use the query comprehension syntax as it is much more readable than calling the SelectMany extension method directly:

from s1 in choiceControl1.OptionSelections
from s2 in choiceControl2.OptionSelections
from s3 in choiceControl3.OptionSelections
select new[] { s1, s2, s3 }

This syntax might be readable, but its also a little misleading. It looks very uniform, like it wouldn’t matter which order you wrote those three ‘from’ statements in. But if you are familiar with LINQ statements like this one, you will know that the ordering IS important. To observe this, activate the SelectMany option in the app above, and then make your selections in reverse order i.e. select an option from group 3, then group 2, then group 1. Notice how you don’t get a selection readout? What’s actually happening here is that the selections made in groups 2 and 3 are ignored until a selection is made in group 1. Then the selections made in group 3 are ignored, until a selection is made in group 2. Then finally selections from group 3 will trigger the observable and raise a result. I could go into more detail on what’s happening here, but is there much point? Its obvious that this implementation is not at all close to the desired result. Lets move on.

When I came across the signature for ForkJoin, I thought I had found what I was looking for:

public static IObservable<TSource[]> ForkJoin<TSource>(params IObservable<TSource>[] sources); 

It converts many IObservable<T>’s into one IObservable<T[]>, which is exactly what I want. The bad news is that it only works once. Go ahead and try ForkJoin in the sample app – the status text will update once a selection has been made from all three groups, but it will not update again as the selection continues to change. It did occur to me that perhaps I could use ForkJoin and somehow re-subscribe each time it fires, but I was reluctant to go down that path because it doesn’t feel like a functional (as in functional programming) solution.

The demo app for today uses CombineLatest in the same way as in my previous post:

  .CombineLatest(choiceControl2.OptionSelections, (i, j) => new[] { i, j })
  .CombineLatest(choiceControl3.OptionSelections, (array, k) => new[] { array[0], array[1], k }))

This works fine, though its not pretty. I’ll keep my eye out for a better solution, but before I finish up today I want to look at the code behind today’s demo app:

<StackPanel Margin="20">
    <TextBlock Text="Combining Example" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="10" />
    <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" HorizontalAlignment="Left">
        <TextBlock Text="Select a means of combination:" />
        <RadioButton Name="rbSelectMany" Content="Use SelectMany" />
        <RadioButton Name="rbForkJoin" Content="Use ForkJoin" />
        <RadioButton Name="rbCombineLatest" Content="Use CombineLatest" />                               
        <TextBlock Text="Select an option from each group below, and then experiment with changing your selections." TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="0,10,0,0"  />
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center" >
        <SilverlightApp:ChoiceControl Name="choiceControl1" Heading="Group 1"/>
        <SilverlightApp:ChoiceControl Name="choiceControl2" Heading="Group 2"/>
        <SilverlightApp:ChoiceControl Name="choiceControl3" Heading="Group 3"/>
    <TextBlock Name="statusText" Text="Status Text" TextAlignment="Center"></TextBlock>
public MainPage()

    IObservable<IObservable<int[]>> observerSelections = Observable.Merge(
        Observable.FromEvent<RoutedEventArgs>(rbSelectMany, "Checked")
            .Select(_ => from s1 in choiceControl1.OptionSelections
                         from s2 in choiceControl2.OptionSelections
                         from s3 in choiceControl3.OptionSelections
                         select new[] { s1, s2, s3 }),
        Observable.FromEvent<RoutedEventArgs>(rbForkJoin, "Checked")
            .Select(_ => Observable.ForkJoin(choiceControl1.OptionSelections, choiceControl2.OptionSelections, choiceControl3.OptionSelections)),
        Observable.FromEvent<RoutedEventArgs>(rbCombineLatest, "Checked")
            .Select(_ => choiceControl1.OptionSelections
                            .CombineLatest(choiceControl2.OptionSelections, (i, j) => new[] { i, j })
                            .CombineLatest(choiceControl3.OptionSelections, (array, k) => new[] { array[0], array[1], k }))

    IDisposable subscription = null;
    observerSelections.Subscribe(observer =>
                                     if (subscription != null)

                                     statusText.Text = string.Empty;

                                     subscription = observer.Subscribe(UpdateSelectedOptions);                                                                               

private void UpdateSelectedOptions(int[] values)
    statusText.Text = string.Format("Option {0}, Option {1}, Option {2}",
                                    values[0], values[1], values[2]);

If you recall in the previous post, I was using the Observable.Merge method to glue three separate events together into one observable, and today I’m using the same technique on the radio buttons that let you swap between the different implementations. The difference in this case is that instead of simply returning an integer, I’m returning an IObservable<int[]>, so the result is an IObservable<IObservable<int[]>>. I then subscribe to this so that each time the selected implementation changes, the existing subscription is disposed, the selections are cleared and a new subscription is instated.

What do you think? Am I being too clever for my own good here? Is an IObservable<IObservable<T>> taking it too far? Let me know in the comments!

The code for this post has been tagged in my github repository.

Sunday 9 August 2009

Reacting to the Reactive Framework: Part 6

Before I dive into today’s code, there are two things worth mentioning:

  1. If you haven’t already, make haste to Jafar Husain’s blog. Jafar is posting truly interesting examples of using the Reactive Framework - none of the ‘hello world’ fare I’m peddling here.
  2. I mentioned in my previous post that I was having trouble using System.Reactive.dll with non-silverlight projects. Jb Evain has the goods on how you might get around this if you were so inclined. For now I’ll stick with Silverlight as its well suited for including interactive demonstrations in my blog posts.

Today I want to look at combining events using the Reactive Framework (Rx). Here is the demo app for today: (Once again I will remind readers using RSS readers to view this post in a proper browser window so you can see the embedded Silverlight app.)

The idea behind this example is that I am not interested in the selections until an option has been selected from all three groups. From then on, I’d like to be informed whenever the selection changes. This application consists of three instances of a user control, one for each group. Here is the relevant markup and code for the user control:

<StackPanel Margin="20">
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Heading}" Margin="5" />
    <RadioButton Name="optionButton1" Content="Option 1" />
    <RadioButton Name="optionButton2" Content="Option 2" />
    <RadioButton Name="optionButton3" Content="Option 3" />
public ChoiceControl()

    OptionSelections = Observable.Merge(
        Observable.FromEvent<RoutedEventArgs>(optionButton1, "Checked").Select(_ => 1),
        Observable.FromEvent<RoutedEventArgs>(optionButton2, "Checked").Select(_ => 2),
        Observable.FromEvent<RoutedEventArgs>(optionButton3, "Checked").Select(_ => 3)

public IObservable<int> OptionSelections { get; private set; }

As you can see, I am creating IObservables from the Checked events of the radio buttons. I’m using the Select method to make observables that simply return the index, and I’m merging those together into one IObservable<int>. So if the user checked option 1, then option 2, then option 3, the OptionSelections would call OnNext on its subscribed observers with values 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

As I mentioned before, this app has 3 instances of this user control:

<StackPanel x:Name="LayoutRoot" Margin="50" Background="Azure" Width="400">
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center" >
        <SilverlightApp:ChoiceControl Name="choiceControl1" Heading="Choice 1"/>
        <SilverlightApp:ChoiceControl Name="choiceControl2" Heading="Choice 2"/>
        <SilverlightApp:ChoiceControl Name="choiceControl3" Heading="Choice 3"/>
    <TextBlock Name="statusText" TextAlignment="Center"></TextBlock>

Now somehow I want to subscribe to the OptionSelections from each control, in such a way that I don’t see any results raised until an option from all three groups have been selected. After a few failed attempts, I stumbled upon this solution:

public MainPage()

    string formatString = "Option {0}, Option {1}, Option {2}";

    var selections = choiceControl1.OptionSelections
        .CombineLatest(choiceControl2.OptionSelections, (i, j) => new[] { i, j })
        .CombineLatest(choiceControl3.OptionSelections, (array, k) => new[] { array[0], array[1], k });

    selections.Subscribe(values => statusText.Text = string.Format(formatString, values[0], values[1], values[2]));            


I’m using the CombineLatest extension method, but it will only combine two IObservables so I have to use it twice. The first call returns an IObservable<int[]>, where the array contains two elements. I then combine that with the option selections from choiceControl3, again returning an IObservable<int[]>, this time with all 3 selections. The final step is simply to subscribe to the resulting observable and display the message.

This solution of combining once into an array of two elements and then combining again into an array of three doesn’t seem particularly elegant, but so far I haven’t managed to find anything better. Perhaps I could write a version of CombineLatest that takes more than two observables and hides this ugliness? Its probably not necessary – there’s a good chance that the perfect method already exists, and I’ve just missed it.

In my next post, I’d like to demonstrate some of the failed attempts I made before I found CombineLatest. This demo will give me a chance to create my first IObservable<IObservable<T>>, which I’ve been itching to do :)

Today’s code has been tagged in my github repository.

Sunday 26 July 2009

Reacting to the Reactive Framework: Part 5

It appears to have gone mostly under the radar, but the Reactive Framework is now out in the wild. The latest release of the Silverlight Toolkit includes System.Reactive.dll, mostly to facilitate the testing of the controls found within the toolkit. Jafar Husain broke the news earlier this week with this excellent post.

Today I want to do a demo that is very similar to the previous demos I’ve done, but of course this time I’ll be using the real Reactive Framework rather than my crappy attempt at implementing it that I’ve inflicted upon you in earlier posts. So far my experiments with using System.Reactive.dll with windows forms have not compiled properly so I’ll switch to using Silverlight for my examples. For now I will continue to focus on exposing button click events as an IObservable. Here is the code:

IObservable<Event<RoutedEventArgs>> clicks = Observable.FromEvent<RoutedEventArgs>(button1, "Click");

int count = 0;
clicks.Subscribe(() => count++);

IObservable<string> messages = from c in clicks
                               select string.Format("Clicked {0} time{1}", count, count > 1 ? "s" : "");
messages.Subscribe(s => button1.Content = s);

And here is the application:

If you are in a RSS reader, you probably won’t be able to see the embedded Silverlight app above. Pop this post out into its own browser tab so that you can revel in the glory of a button that tells you how many times its been clicked!

Lets take a look at what this code is doing. The first step is to convert from an Event to an IObservable:

IObservable<Event<RoutedEventArgs>> clicks = Observable.FromEvent<RoutedEventArgs>(button1, "Click");

The Observable class defines a large swath of extension methods for creating and manipulating IObservables. This overload of the FromEvent method is simple to use, but unfortunately it makes use of a magic string (“click”). There is another overload for FromEvent that allows us to do the same thing with compile-time safety, but it is more verbose. I’ve wrapped it in an extension method:

public static IObservable<Event<RoutedEventArgs>> GetClicks(this Button button)
    return Observable.FromEvent((EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> genericHandler) => new RoutedEventHandler(genericHandler),
                                routedHandler => button.Click += routedHandler,
                                routedHandler => button.Click -= routedHandler);

This overload takes three functions as arguments. One to convert from a generic event handler (EventHandler<T>) to the specific event handler that the Click event uses (RoutedEventHandler). The conversion is straightforward, because the two event handlers have the same signature. The other two functions add and remove the handler. This extension method can be used like so:

IObservable<Event<RoutedEventArgs>> clicks = button1.GetClicks();

It would not surprise me if we eventually see extra libraries that define many of these extension methods for us. Ideally they would be unnecessary, and we could simply write:

IObservable<Event<RoutedEventArgs>> clicks = button1.GetObservableEvent(b => b.Click);

But unfortunately the dreaded “The event 'System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.Click' can only appear on the left hand side of += or –=”  message rears its ugly head. Perhaps in C# 5 the story will be different.

Moving on, the code initializes a count variable and subscribes an increment function to the clicks:

int count = 0;
clicks.Subscribe(() => count++);

You’ll notice that I am simply passing an Action to the Subscribe method, rather than an IObserver. The Reactive Framework won’t force you to use an IObserver if all you want to do is call a function when a new event occurs.

Finally, the code converts the stream of click events into a stream of messages and subscribes to it:

IObservable<string> messages = from c in clicks
                               select string.Format("Clicked {0} time{1}", count, count > 1 ? "s" : "");
messages.Subscribe(s => button1.Content = s);

There are lots of other ways in which to rewrite today’s example code. This version is very short and still quite readable:

int count = 0;
button1.GetClicks().Select(x => ++count)
    .Subscribe(() => button1.Content = string.Format("Clicked {0} time{1}", count, count > 1 ? "s" : ""));

Or I could implement IObserver:

public class CountingButtonObserver : IObserver<Event<RoutedEventArgs>>
    private int _count = 0;
    public Button Button { get; set; }

    public void OnNext(Event<RoutedEventArgs> value)
        Button.Content = string.Format("Clicked {0} time{1}", _count, _count > 1 ? "s" : "");

    public void OnError(Exception exception) {}
    public void OnCompleted() {}

And use it like so:

button1.GetClicks().Subscribe(new CountingButtonObserver{ Button = button1});

Well, that’s probably enough for today. I’m going to continue to explore the Reactive Framework and see what interesting things I can find. Oh, and let me know if you come across any documentation for it – so far I haven’t found any and it can be quite a struggle to make sense of the various extension methods that are available.

I’ll be pushing my experiments with the Reactive Framework to a github repo.

Sunday 19 July 2009

Reacting to the Reactive Framework: Part 4

This post is part 4 in a series.

About a week ago another video on the Reactive Framework went up, this time on Channel 9. It was an enjoyable video, though I found it tricky to follow in parts because my understanding of monad theory is virtually non-existent and the discussion does get abstract/theoretical in places. It did however give me a much better understanding of the basic Reactive Framework interfaces (IObserver<T> and IObservable<T>), which meant I had some work to do get my implementation up to scratch!

Side note: I think I started this series badly by getting too complicated too fast, so I’m going to use this as an opportunity to start again.

Here are the relevant interface definitions (I haven’t specified any covariance or contravariance for these types because I am still using C# 3.):

public interface IObservable<T>
    IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<T> observer);

public interface IObserver<T>
    void OnNext(T item);
    void OnDone();
    void OnError(Exception e);

Hopefully the expected interaction between these two interfaces is relatively self-explanatory. There are a few differences between this pair of interfaces and what I had in the previous posts:

  • Rather than passing a callback function to the Subscribe method (previously called ‘Attach’) an IObserver is passed. As you would expect, the OnNext(item) method is called on the subscribed observer when the IObservable has a new result.
  • The Subscribe method returns an IDisposable. When it is disposed, the IObserver is unsubscribed.
  • When the IObservable has finished (no more results), each of the IObservers are notified using OnDone().
  • If the IObservable encounters an error, the IObservers are notified using OnError(e).

The task today is to capture the stream of MouseDown events on a button as an IObservable<MouseEventArgs>, and then convert that into an IObservable<string> representing messages to be written to a text box. When the MouseDown event occurs, the text box should be updated accordingly. We can start by obtaining a IObservable<MouseEventArgs> like so:

IObservable<MouseEventArgs> mouseEvents = button1.GetMouseDowns();

GetMouseDowns() is an extension method – its purpose is to wrap the MouseDown event as an IObservable. Its implementation is very simple:

public static IObservable<MouseEventArgs> GetMouseDowns(this Button button)
    var wrapper = new EventWrapper<MouseEventArgs>();
    button.MouseDown += wrapper.Handler;
    return wrapper;

The EventWrapper class is wired up to the MouseDown event. It has a collection of observers which it notifies when the MouseDown event occurs:

public class EventWrapper<T> : IObservable<T> where T : EventArgs
    private readonly ObserverCollection<T> _observers = new ObserverCollection<T>();

    public void Handler(object sender, T eventArgs)

    public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<T> observer)
        return _observers.Subscribe(observer);

Lets skip the implementation of the ObserverCollection for now. I’d prefer to move on to converting this IObservable<MouseEventArgs> to an IObservable<string>:

IObservable<MouseEventArgs> mouseEvents = button1.GetMouseDowns();
IObservable<string> messages = from md in mouseEvents
                               select "Mouse down at: " + md.X + "\n";

This works as long as the “Select” LINQ operator has been implemented for IObservable, because the C# compiler converts the above into:

IObservable<MouseEventArgs> mouseEvents = button1.GetMouseDowns();
IObservable<string> messages = mouseEvents.Select( (MouseEventArgs md) => "Mouse down at: " + md.X + "\n");

The following extension method has the appropriate signature:

public static IObservable<TResult> Select<T, TResult>(this IObservable<T> observable, Func<T, TResult> func)
    return new SelectObservable<T, TResult>(observable, func);            

By calling this method, really what we’re saying is that we want a new IObservable that calls its subscribers when the old IObservable did, but first uses the passed function “func” to convert from the old result type to the new result type. In this case, that function is the lambda expression:

(MouseEventArgs md) => "Mouse down at: " + md.X + "\n"

Lets skip the implementation of the SelectObservable, and instead look at consuming the messages. I’ll subscribe an observer that will update the textbox:

messages.Subscribe(new TextBoxUpdater(textBox1));

Here is the implementation for the TextBoxUpdater:

public class TextBoxUpdater : IObserver<string>
    private readonly TextBox _textBox;

    public TextBoxUpdater(TextBox textBox)
        _textBox = textBox;

    private void AppendText(string text)
        Action textboxUpdater = () => _textBox.AppendText(text);

    public void OnNext(string s)

    public void OnDone()

    public void OnError(Exception e)
        AppendText("Error: " + e.Message);
As you can see, it implements the OnNext, OnDone and OnError methods by writing some appropriate text, though in this simple example, I’m not really using OnDone or OnError. If I run this program now and click the button a few times, I get this:


That wraps it up for today. The code as of this post is available here.

Sunday 5 July 2009

Reacting to the Reactive Framework: Part 3

In part one of this series, I introduced the Live Labs Reactive Framework and provided a simple example of what can be achieved when using LINQ for reactive programming. In part two I did my best to explain how my example worked. In today’s post I want to extend the example slightly. Just to reiterate, this series is not about using the Live Labs Reactive Framework as it has not yet been released. I’m exploring the idea of a reactive framework using my own implementation.

Here is my example from the previous posts:

Func<MouseEventArgs, int> slowOperation = args =>
    return args.X;

IObservable<int> observable = from md in button1.GetMouseDowns()
                              from x in slowOperation.AsAsyncObservable(md.EventArgs)
                              select x;

The idea behind this code is that the IObservable<int> represents a stream of integers that are the result of capturing the mouse down event on a button, doing some “slow processing” (really just a 3 second sleep) asynchronously, and returning the x coordinate from the mouse down event. You can then attach something to that observable like so:

Action<string> textboxUpdater = s => textBox1.AppendText(s);
observable.Attach(x => textBox1.BeginInvoke(textboxUpdater, "Mouse down: " + x + "\n"));

The attached code updates the textbox as the values bubble up through the IObservable. Unfortunately its a little more complicated than I would like because the update has to be marshalled onto the UI thread – hence the BeginInvoke call. Today I want to modify this example so that the textbox is only updated when the right mouse button was clicked. The MouseEventArgs can tell me which button was clicked, so really this is just a matter of implementing support for where:

IObservable<int> observable = from md in button1.GetMouseDowns()
                              where md.EventArgs.Button == MouseButtons.Right
                              from x in slowOperation.AsAsyncObservable(md.EventArgs)
                              select x;

Well this is a very natural way to express what I want – and the implementation is not too hard. First I create the appropriate extension method:

public static IObservable<T> Where<T>(this IObservable<T> source, Func<T, bool> predicate)
    return new WhereObservable<T>(source, predicate);

This extension method is just a wrapper call for a class. In this case, its WhereObservable<T> which takes a source IObservable, and a predicate to apply:

public class WhereObservable<T> : IObservable<T>
     private readonly IObservable<T> _source;
     private readonly Func<T, bool> _predicate;

     public WhereObservable(IObservable<T> source, Func<T, bool> predicate)
         _source = source;
         _predicate = predicate;

     public void Attach(Action<T> action)
         _source.Attach(t => { if (_predicate(t)) action(t); });

All I’m doing here is wrapping an inner observable so that I can check to see if the predicate applies before I let the observable event bubble up. That’s all there is to it. My example will now only update the textbox if the right mouse button was clicked.

My work on this project is available on github. To get the code as it was at the time this post was written, use this tag.

Sunday 31 May 2009

Reacting to the Reactive Framework: Part 2

DISCLAIMER: The code in this post was the result of a big hackfest with the single goal of getting a particular use case working. I am telling you right now that I paid no attention to potential concurrency problems and that if you try to reuse any of this stuff you are just asking for trouble.

In the previous post, I explained how Eric Meijer’s recent Lang.NET presentation on the LiveLabs Reactive Framework piqued my interest. Wondering how the framework works, I decided to have a go at emulating some of the basic functionality it appears to provide. This code demonstrates the functionality I’ve implemented so far:

Func<MouseEventArgs, int> slowOperation = args =>
    return args.X;

IObservable<int> observable = from md in button1.GetMouseDowns()
                              from x in slowOperation.AsAsyncObservable(md.EventArgs)
                              select x;

Action<string> textboxUpdater = s => textBox1.AppendText(s);
observable.Attach(x => textBox1.BeginInvoke(textboxUpdater, "Mouse down: " + x + "\n"));

Today I am going to work my way through the query comprehension you can see here and do my best to explain how I got this working. Perhaps a good place to start would be to convert the query comprehension into a method chain in the same way the C# compiler does for us under the covers. Resharper can do this automatically, which is convenient:

IObservable<int> observable = button1.GetMouseDowns().SelectMany(
                    md => slowOperation.AsAsyncObservable(md.EventArgs), 
                    (md, x) => x

The first call here is to an extension method called GetMouseDowns:

public static IObservable<EventResult<Button, MouseEventArgs>> GetMouseDowns(this Button b)
    var wrapper = new EventWrapper<Button, MouseEventArgs>();
    b.MouseDown += wrapper.Handle;
    return wrapper;

So far, this is relatively straightforward. The GetMouseDowns extension method creates an EventWrapper, and wires that EventWrapper up to the MouseDown event on the button. You can see that the wrapper is being returned as an IObservable of an EventResult. Here is the code for these:

public interface IObservable<T>
    void Attach(Action<T> action);
public class EventResult<TSender, TArgs>
    public EventResult(TSender sender, TArgs args)
        Sender = sender;
        EventArgs = args;

    public TSender Sender { get; private set; }
    public TArgs EventArgs { get; private set; }
public class EventWrapper<TSender, TArgs> : IObservable<EventResult<TSender,TArgs>>
    private List<Action<EventResult<TSender, TArgs>>> _attached = new List<Action<EventResult<TSender, TArgs>>>();

    public void Handle(object sender, TArgs e)
        foreach (var action in _attached)
            action(new EventResult<TSender,TArgs>((TSender)sender, e ));

    public void Attach(Action<EventResult<TSender, TArgs>> action)

Now there is some really naive code here. What would happen if someone called Attach while we were in the middle of handling the event? It would crash, because the list of actions to be called would be modified while it was being iterated over. In general, the code for the EventWrapper feels bad. I am sure it can be done much better, but it works for now.

So the result of the GetMouseDowns method is an EventWrapper that will call the attached methods when the mouse down event occurs, and this is exposed as an IObservable. SelectMany is then called on that IObservable. This is another extension method:

public static IObservable<TResult> SelectMany<TSource, TCollection, TResult>(this IObservable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, IObservable<TCollection>> collectionSelector, Func<TSource, TCollection, TResult> resultSelector)
    return new SelectManyObservable<TSource, TCollection, TResult>(source, collectionSelector, resultSelector);

So how on earth did I arrive at this method? Its quite simple actually – I stole its signature from the SelectMany extension method implemented on IEnumerable. The interesting thing about LINQ query comprehensions is that they actually don’t have a dependence on IEnumerable or IQueryable. Instead they depend on the existence of particular methods with the appropriate signature such as Select, SelectMany, Where, GroupBy, etc. By writing these extension methods for IObservable, I can then write query comprehensions against IObservables.

Once its established that my SelectMany borrowed its signature from the appropriate extension method on IEnumerable, there isn’t much more to know about it. You can see that all it simply does is return a SelectManyObservable that wraps the passed arguments. What is the SelectManyObservable exactly? Well, here is the code:

public class SelectManyObservable<TSource, TCollection, TResult> : IObservable<TResult>
    private readonly IObservable<TSource> _source;
    private readonly Func<TSource, IObservable<TCollection>> _collectionSelector;
    private readonly Func<TSource, TCollection, TResult> _resultSelector;

    public SelectManyObservable(IObservable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, IObservable<TCollection>> collectionSelector, Func<TSource, TCollection, TResult> resultSelector)
        _source = source;
        _collectionSelector = collectionSelector;
        _resultSelector = resultSelector;

    public void Attach(Action<TResult> action)
            s => _collectionSelector(s).Attach(
                c => action(_resultSelector(s, c))

So this class simply wraps an underlying IObservable, and when methods are attached to the SelecyManyObservable, it actually gets attached to the underlying IObservable. The funny thing about this code is that it practically wrote itself. It was basically a matter of just figuring out how the underlying observable, collectionSelector, resultSelector and attached action related to each other and then calling them accordingly. It felt like solving a 4 piece jigsaw puzzle with only 1 solution.

Before the explanation of the query comprehension is complete, there is one more extension method that requires explanation:

public static IObservable<TResult> AsAsyncObservable<TInput, TResult>(this Func<TInput,TResult> funcToObserve,TInput input)
    return new AsyncWrapper<TInput, TResult>(funcToObserve, input);

This pattern should look familiar. Its like the SelectMany in that it simply returns a wrapper object that takes all the method arguments as parameters. The signature however, wasn’t borrowed from the framework. The point of this method is to allow the user to convert an anonymous delegate or lambda expression into an IObservable. Now I hope you packed the goggles I mentioned in my previous post, because AsyncWrapper is really nasty:

public class AsyncWrapper<TInput, TResult> : IObservable<TResult>
    private List<Action<TResult>> _attached = new List<Action<TResult>>();

    public AsyncWrapper(Func<TInput, TResult> funcToObserve, TInput input)
        funcToObserve.BeginInvoke(input, CompletedCallback, null);

    public void Attach(Action<TResult> action)

    private void CompletedCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
        TResult calculatedValue = ((Func<TInput, TResult>) ((AsyncResult) asyncResult).AsyncDelegate).EndInvoke(

        foreach (var action in _attached)

It might not seem so bad, until you look at what the constructor is doing. When the AsyncWrapper is created, it fires off the function to observe. Now when that function completes, the callback will be invoked, and as a result all the attached actions will also be invoked. The reason why this is all so heinous is that the actions will have to be attached AFTER the function to observe is invoked, but before it completes. As a result, I am fairly sure that if we changed the slow asynchronous operation to be much faster, then this code would stop working. Surely a better solution can be found, and I do hope to attend to this later.

So that covers all the code that makes my example work. The nice thing about this approach is the composability. It is convenient to be able to work with enumerables using select, where, etc and the same is true for observables. I am really looking forward to getting my hands on the Reactive Framework code. In the mean time, I’ll continue to experiment. In the next post I’ll extend this example, starting with adding support for ‘where’ operations.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Reacting to the Reactive Framework: Part 1

Last night I managed to get some code working and I was very excited, but it was far too late to start writing a blog post. Here is the code:

Func<MouseEventArgs, int> slowOperation = args =>
    return args.X;

IObservable<int> observable = from md in button1.GetMouseDowns()
                              from x in slowOperation.AsAsyncObservable(md.EventArgs)
                              select x;

Action<string> textboxUpdater = s => textBox1.AppendText(s);
observable.Attach(x => textBox1.BeginInvoke(textboxUpdater, "Mouse down: " + x + "\n"));

This code is sitting inside a very simple windows form. The form has a button and a textbox. When the button is clicked, a message is written to the textbox about 3 seconds later, relaying the relative X coordinate of the mouse when the button was clicked. The 3 second delay represents some sort of slow asynchronous operation, currently simulated with a simple Thread.Sleep(). Because the slow operation is done on a different thread, we have to use Control.BeginInvoke() to get the textbox to update on the UI thread. GetMouseDowns() is an extension method on Button that helps set the whole thing up by returning an IObservable that is wired to the MouseDown event.

So at this point you might be wondering what this is all about. To get the full story, I encourage you to watch Eric Meijer’s video on the LiveLabs Reactive Framework (direct wmv link). In this very enjoyable presentation, Eric gives us a run down the Reactive Framework, which appears to be a set of libraries that unite various types of “reactive” operations under a common pair of interfaces, IObserver<T> and IObservable<T> which are then integrated into LINQ. I found the presentation to be quite a tease. Erik shows just enough to give you an idea of what the Reactive Framework is all about, but he skims over the implementation details quite lightly. I ended up watching the thing a couple of times, trying to wrap my head around the idea of LINQ query comprehensions (e.g. from x in y select x.ID) operating against non enumerable/queryable types. In particular, I started wondering whether I could implement something like the code from this slide:


As you can see, my code at the top is not too dissimilar from Erik’s code here. Erik’s example is a web page with dictionary suggest on a textbox. When the user enters a character into the textbox, the dictionary suggest runs asynchronously against the input entered so far and when a return value is received it is rendered as html.

There is certainly quite a lot regarding the Reactive Framework that I don’t understand. I’ve been unable to find any resources beyond Erik’s talk – certainly the code doesn’t seem available anywhere. So far I don’t even understand how IObserver fits in. Can YOU see anything that might implement IObserver in the above slide? But in any case, the idea is intriguing, and trying to figure out how to do this myself is teaching me quite a bit about LINQ. In the next post, I’ll do my best to explain how the implementation works. Don’t forget your goggles, this is some pretty hacky code coming up.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

A Fluent NHibernate update

Since James has announced the latest happenings in the ongoing saga of moving Fluent NHibernate to using a semantic model, I thought a companion post might be appropriate.

My first post on the Fluent NHibernate rewrite is as good a place to start as any. In it I explained the limitations of the existing implementation and outlined my strategy for dissolving those limitations. My branch differs from the trunk by separating the fluent interface from the mapping model. The fluent interface manipulates the underlying model, and a family of visitors build a Hbm object graph that represents that underlying model. That object graph is serialized to xml and then passed to NHibernate. This graph consists of classes that are generated from the NHibernate mapping schema, so the serialization step is all automatic and works flawlessly.

The use of the visitor pattern allows for two things. One, the mapping model is not tied to any particular output format. Sure we pass NHibernate xml today, but tomorrow it would be nice to pass it the Hbm object graph directly so it can skip the xml schema validation step. The day after it would be nice to pass it a prebuilt NHibernate.Mapping graph, which is an idea that Tuna Toksoz was exploring from within my branch. Secondly, the visitor implementation allowed for powerful manipulations of the mapping model that would otherwise be difficult. I talked more about the visitor implementation here.

Sure, passing NHibernate its mappings in a format other than xml would be nice some day, but there was another reason why I chose to use a Hbm graph instead of directly writing xml. Basically, its much harder to go off the rails when working with the Hbm objects. One example is that the NHibernate schema is finicky about element ordering and you simply don’t have to worry about this when working with Hbm objects.

As time went on the code base grew, things changed, but slow and steady progress was made. The problem is that slow and steady doesn’t always win the race – specifically in the case where the goalpost is moving as fast or faster than you! This is the classic rewrite problem. I’m sure you are familiar with it – its why all the well respected software professionals tell you that rewriting your app is a fools errand. And don’t get me wrong, I am in agreement here. I approached my work to rewrite Fluent NHibernate as a prototyping exercise - “one possible future” if you will. As the work continued I would discuss our long term goals with James and for a while we found ourselves hoping that we could replace the existing trunk with my branch, if only we could “catch up” to the trunk functionality. Of course this sort of thinking was dangerous, and the consequences are well described in James’s post. My intentions, while good, have lead to a lack of progress on the Fluent NHibernate trunk and this is simply not a healthy place to be.

James asked me whether I could see a way to merge the two code bases. Basically inject my model into the existing guts of the trunk. I told him I couldn’t see a way how, but I encouraged him to try. The problem, I’m sure you’ve already guessed, is that I was too “caught up” in my code and simply not prepared to make sacrifices. This is why James managed something that I could not – he merged my branch into the trunk code under an “integration”  branch, with all the existing trunk tests passing. Its not pretty, but I suspect that it represents the best direction to work from. We can now do what the experts tell us to do and refactor, rather than rewrite.

So what were the sacrifices? The main one is the Hbm object graph approach. Fluent NHibernate will only be capable of spitting out xml for the near future. Lets face it, its not a huge loss. Plus I say near future because the visitor implementation survived, so there is no reason why we couldn’t later start retrofitting my Hbm code in. I am yet to take full stock of the “casualties”, but I expect that everything that has been lost in the merge can be regained through a gradual process of refactoring and reintroducing code and ideas from my branch. It will be fun!

Finally I want to use this post as an opportunity to thank James for all his amazingly hard work on this great project. We don’t always see eye to eye but the thing that I often remind myself is that time and again he has proven to me that he has his finger on the pulse of our users and can see how this project can best fulfil their needs. Please keep it up James.

Monday 27 April 2009

Legacy code: a follow up

A few weeks back I wrote a post on Working Effectively with Legacy Code, a book by Michael Feathers. At the time I lamented that even though I accepted Michael’s definition of legacy code (code without tests), I wasn’t doing much about it – I hadn’t written any tests at work. Today I wanted to follow up on this because the last two weeks have gone much better – I’ve been writing unit tests. I was given the job of rewriting a particularly hairy module and this was simply too good an opportunity to pass up. I’m not doing TDD yet, and I certainly haven’t written as many tests as I would like, but its a start.

Rather than using a mocking framework, I’ve been hand rolling stubs. I believe that the other developers will have an easier time understanding the tests if I use manual stubs. Mocking frameworks are certainly convenient but as Michael demonstrates in his book, they are not necessary per se. So far I haven’t found this particularly painful and I think its a sound approach for introducing automated unit testing. I must admit that the fact that I am working on a .NET 2.0 project made this decision easier. I learned Rhino Mocks using the .NET 3.5 API and I think I would have a hard time going without the sweetness that lambda expressions provide.

Writing that very first test is a bit of a barrier, but its only a mental one. I was fortunate to have a nice piece of work come along and give me a push. Hopefully it will not be necessary the next time I find myself faced with legacy code – I intend to write that first test without a moment of hesitation. Its all downhill from there.

Monday 13 April 2009

Working Effectively with Legacy Code

Working Effectively with Legacy Code (Robert C. Martin Series)

Today I finished reading Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers. If you are not familiar with this book, you might be wondering if I’ve somehow been roped into maintaining some sort of 10 year old VB6 application -fortunately this is not the case. But I am indeed working on a legacy application – at least, it is legacy by Michael’s rather unique definition. Michael defines legacy code as code that is not under test, specifically unit tests. By Michael’s definition, virtually all of the code I have written during my career was legacy from the day it was born, and when I reflect on it, this seems like a fair statement. Here is a short excerpt from the preface:

Code without tests is bad code. It doesn’t matter how well written it is; it doesn’t matter how pretty or object-oriented or well-encapsulated it is. With tests, we can change the behaviour of our code quickly and verifiably. Without them, we really don’t know if our code is getting better or worse.

It doesn’t matter how clean and refactored my code was – developers that had to maintain it were forced to do so with uncertainty. It is specifically that element of uncertainty that I associate with the legacy code experience.

The book uses a FAQ format, with chapter titles such as:

  • I need to make a change. What methods should I test?
  • I can’t get this class into a test harness.
  • This class is too big and I don’t want it to get any bigger.
  • I need to make a change but I don’t know what tests to write.

It does a great job of illustrating refactorings that let you break dependencies so you can get the code under test. These refactorings are designed to be performed safely without tests so you can get the tests written and then move on to more significant refactorings. The book also does a great job of tackling the mechanics of writing the tests themselves.

I think the book could have been better named. Ayende says that it should be mandatory reading for people that write code for a living. I agree with him, but the title does not communicate this. In general I found it very readable and relatively quick to get through, and the lessons the book offers are profound.

So the obvious question is whether it has changed the way I’ve been writing code. Well unfortunately, I wrote a bunch of legacy code just last week! By night I revel in the freedom that my unit tests give me as I work on Fluent NHibernate, but by day I continue to work in a manner that Uncle Bob would consider unprofessional. Why?

Unfortunately the book doesn’t have a chapter called “I’m all alone, nobody else is convinced that writing unit tests is worthwhile. Is it worth starting if its just me doing it?”. Nor does it have a “This is just a quick fix for someone else’s broken code, I’ll write tests when the –real- work begins” chapter (its a weak argument but I’ve found it an easy trap to fall into). The closest the book comes is the very last FAQ chapter: “We feel overwhelmed. It isn’t going to get any better”. But at less than 2 pages, it didn’t quite deliver what I needed to hear.

I’m finding it difficult to take that first step and add that 55th project to the solution (yeah…) so I can write some tests. Part of it is procrastination, but part of it is fear. I believe these ideas have value and I don’t want to screw it up. But simply “waiting until the time is right” is the refrain of the procrastinator.

This makes me feel that Working with Legacy Code is a great book, but not an entirely complete package. It gives you the tools and techniques but assumes that the reader can simply read it and run with it. Michael developed these techniques as he worked with teams that heeded his advice and were prepared to follow his lead. A piece of the puzzle is missing because Michael has been the consultant for so long.

Maybe this criticism is unfair. People can write books full of advice, but its up to the reader to start putting that advice into practice. A new work week begins tomorrow, perhaps I’ll add that 55th project before I do anything else tomorrow morning.

Monday 9 March 2009

Supporting multiple NHibernate versions in Fluent NHibernate semantic model

My Fluent NHibernate semantic model rewrite is designed to support multiple versions of NHibernate simultaneously. At the moment, I support NH 2.0.1GA and (this was a trunk snapshot). My goal is to support the latest official release and to keep as up to date with the trunk as possible; time will tell how well this pans out.

The semantic model rewrite makes heavy use of classes that are generated from the NH mapping schema. These classes are all prefixed with Hbm, so I am in the habit of calling them “Hbm*” classes. Here is some example code that builds a HbmKey representation of a KeyMapping:

public override void ProcessKey(KeyMapping keyMapping)
    _hbm = new HbmKey();

    if (keyMapping.Attributes.IsSpecified(x => x.Column))
        _hbm.column1 = keyMapping.Column;

    if (keyMapping.Attributes.IsSpecified(x => x.ForeignKey))
        _hbm.foreignkey = keyMapping.ForeignKey;

    if (keyMapping.Attributes.IsSpecified(x => x.PropertyReference))
        _hbm.propertyref = keyMapping.PropertyReference;

    if (keyMapping.Attributes.IsSpecified(x => x.CascadeOnDelete))

Because the NH mapping schema changes from version to version, the public interface for these classes also changes from version to version. See that “column1” property? Its entirely possible it was called “column” in an earlier version of NH. Obviously, if it were to change back to “column” tomorrow, this code would no longer compile. Given this, how can Fluent NH hope to simultaneously support multiple NH versions? The answer is to put any version specific code in a separate assembly.

Today I will fix a NH2.1 incompatibility that I introduced a few days ago when adding the ability to specify the column name for a property. Here is the code I wrote while working against NH2.0.1:

public override void ProcessProperty(PropertyMapping propertyMapping)
    _hbm = new HbmProperty(); = propertyMapping.Name;

    if(propertyMapping.Attributes.IsSpecified(x => x.IsNotNullable))

    if (propertyMapping.Attributes.IsSpecified(x => x.Length))
        _hbm.length = propertyMapping.Length.ToString();

    if (propertyMapping.Attributes.IsSpecified(x => x.ColumnName))
        _hbm.column1 = propertyMapping.ColumnName;

The very last line is the one to watch here. You can see its setting the “column1” property. This worked fine against NH2.0.1 but when I ran my rake script to switch over to NH2.1 today, this code no longer compiled - the property is now called “column”. As I mentioned above, my strategy for dealing with this problem is to use version specific assemblies. Here is the Fluent NH solution:


The two “Versioning” projects are where the version specific code goes – they each reference their own version of NHibernate. Each project contains the same set of extensions methods, each method implemented slightly differently depending on the versioning requirements. The two projects share the same namespace and output an assembly with the same name (FluentNHibernate.Versioning) and to the same location. Neither project is included in the default build configuration, so they have to be built explicitly. The act of building one of these versioning projects will make it “active” because the assembly is output to the same location that the FluentNHibernate project is referencing.

With the background out of the way, lets fix the problem with with “column1” property on HbmProperty. First I open the Versioning.NH20 project, find the HbmPropertyExtensions and add an extension method:

public static class HbmPropertyExtensions
public static void SetColumn(this HbmProperty hbmProperty, string column) { hbmProperty.column1 = column; } }

I then modify the code to call the extension method:

if (propertyMapping.Attributes.IsSpecified(x => x.ColumnName))

I compile the Versioning.NH20 project to make sure its active and run my tests. I already have a test that is verifying this implementation – here it is:

public void Should_write_the_attributes()
    var testHelper = new HbmTestHelper<PropertyMapping>();
    testHelper.Check(x => x.Name, "test").MapsToAttribute("name");
    testHelper.Check(x => x.Length, 50).MapsToAttribute("length");
    testHelper.Check(x => x.IsNotNullable, true).MapsToAttribute("not-null");
    testHelper.Check(x => x.ColumnName, "thecolumn").MapsToAttribute("column"); <--- HERE
    var writer = new HbmPropertyWriter();

Because this test verifies that a certain property is written to the correct xml attribute, it works for both versions of NH. Regardless of what the property is called on the Hbm class, its written to the “column” attribute.

The tests all pass, so I switch to NH2.1 using my rake script and move to the Versioning.NH21 project. Again, I add an extension method:

public static class HbmPropertyExtensions
public static void SetColumn(this HbmProperty hbmProperty, string column) { hbmProperty.column = column; } }

This looks almost the same as the code above, but notice that the “1” is gone. I compile the Versioning.NH21 project to make sure its active and run the tests. They all pass!

So far, all the versioning issues I’ve ran into were easily fixed like the one above. Lets hope they are all this simple!


Saturday 21 February 2009

Fluent NHibernate semantic model: Visitors

My work-in-progress semantic model based version of Fluent NHibernate makes heavy use of the visitor pattern. Currently, the visitor implementation is there to serve two purposes:

  1. Facilitate the construction of a Hbm* representation of the mapping model. Hbm* refers to the set of classes found in the NHibernate.Cfg.MappingSchema namespace that are generated from the NHibernate mapping schema. My version of Fluent NHibernate communicates with NHibernate by serializing the Hbm* representation to xml.
  2. Enable powerful, user-defined conventions that walk the mapping model and make changes. The NamingConvention class is a very simple example of this – it takes mapping model instances and sets their Name property based on reflected data such as the System.Type or the PropertyInfo.

Lets begin by looking at the implementation of AcceptVisitor for the root of the mapping model – HibernateMapping:

public override void AcceptVisitor(IMappingModelVisitor visitor)

    foreach (var classMapping in Classes)

This is reasonably straightforward. The HibernateMapping tells the visitor to first process a HibernateMapping instance, and passes itself as the argument. Then it tells the visitor to visit each of the child classes. What the visitor does when its told to visit a ClassMapping is its business, but what it is likely to do is call AcceptVisitor on the ClassMapping:

public override void AcceptVisitor(IMappingModelVisitor visitor)

    if (Id != null)

    if (Discriminator != null)

    foreach (var subclass in Subclasses)


This is similar to the previous AcceptVisitor implementation, but its worth noting that at the end, it calls base.AcceptVisitor(visitor). This is necessary because ClassMapping inherits from a common base class (JoinedSubclassMapping and SubclassMapping also inherit from this base class). Here is AcceptVisitor on ClassMappingBase:

public override void AcceptVisitor(IMappingModelVisitor visitor)
    foreach (var collection in Collections)

    foreach (var property in Properties)

    foreach (var reference in References)

Of course – all class mappings, regardless of how they fit into an inheritance hierarchy, can have collections, properties and references (many-to-ones). Its probably not necessary to follow this any further. The important point is that as long as the visitor calls AcceptVisitor when it is told to visit something, then it will make its way along the entire mapping model. To make life easier, I’ve implemented a DefaultMappingModelVisitor class that does precisely this. It has a whole bunch of code that all looks very similar to this:

public override void Visit(PropertyMapping propertyMapping)

public override void Visit(ManyToOneMapping manyToOneMapping)

public override void Visit(KeyMapping keyMapping)
.. Many more Visit methods

Now you might be looking at this and wondering why this is necessary. Why can’t we skip this completely, and just have AcceptVisitor implementations that will call AcceptVisitor directly like this:

public override void AcceptVisitor(IMappingModelVisitor visitor)

    foreach (var classMapping in Classes)
        classMapping.AcceptVisitor(visitor); <--- JUST DO THIS??

The answer is that the proposed change will work when you want one single visitor instance to visit the entire mapping model. While this works fine for conventions (as you will see in a moment), it does not work so well for building the Hbm representation. I’ll get to that in a second, but lets first take a look at the simpler case of the conventions. Here is a gutted version of the NamingConvention:

public class NamingConvention : DefaultMappingModelVisitor
    public Func<MemberInfo, string> DetermineNameFromMember = info => info.Name;
    public Func<Type, string> DetermineNameFromType = type => type.AssemblyQualifiedName;

    public override void ProcessOneToMany(OneToManyMapping oneToManyMapping)
        if (!oneToManyMapping.Attributes.IsSpecified(x => x.ClassName))
            if (oneToManyMapping.ChildType == null)
                throw new ConventionException("Cannot apply the naming convention. No type specified.", oneToManyMapping);
            oneToManyMapping.ClassName = DetermineNameFromType(oneToManyMapping.ChildType);

I’ve removed the majority of its implementation for the sake of brevity. As it currently stands, it will walk the entire mapping model (because it inherits from the aforementioned DefaultMappingModelVisitor), and when it encounters a OneToManyMapping, it will attempt to set its ClassName based on the ChildType property. Its worth noting that the full implementation of the NamingConvention class actually handles naming of many other mappings types, such as ClassMappings, ManyToManyMappings, etc. This means that this visitor completely handles the concern of setting the name of mapping model elements for the entire mapping model. This point is important, because the next example is different.  As I mentioned before, this visitor implementation would work fine with the previous simplification of having AcceptVisitor directly call AcceptVisitor on the children. Lets now move on to the process of building a Hbm* representation, and examine why the simplification won’t work so well for this case.

I define an interface for classes that build Hbm:

public interface IHbmWriter<T>
    object Write(T mappingModel);        

Here is an example implementor, a hbm writer that will handle ColumnMappings:

public class HbmColumnWriter : NullMappingModelVisitor, IHbmWriter<ColumnMapping>
    private HbmColumn _hbm;

    public object Write(ColumnMapping mappingModel)
        _hbm = null;
        return _hbm;

    public override void ProcessColumn(ColumnMapping columnMapping)
        _hbm = new HbmColumn(); = columnMapping.Name;
        if(columnMapping.Attributes.IsSpecified(x => x.IsNotNullable))
            _hbm.notnull = columnMapping.IsNotNullable;
            _hbm.notnullSpecified = true;

        if (columnMapping.Attributes.IsSpecified(x => x.Length))
            _hbm.length = columnMapping.Length.ToString();

You’ll notice that this class inherits from NullMappingModelVisitor, which is basically a blank implementation of IMappingModelVisitor. It has all the methods, but none of them do anything. So this visitor ONLY knows how to handle ColumnMappings - if its passed to any other type of mapping, it will do nothing. This is certainly a difference approach to the NamingConvention, which actually knew how to set the name for Classes, OneToMany’s, ManyToMany’s and many other mapping model elements. So why does this difference exist? Basically, the job of generating all the Hbm that NHibernate requires is too big for one class. Creating separate classes for generating the appropriate HBM helps make the job more manageable. These classes can then be composed, like so:

public class HbmIdWriter : NullMappingModelVisitor, IHbmWriter<IdMapping>
    private readonly IHbmWriter<ColumnMapping> _columnWriter;
    private readonly IHbmWriter<IdGeneratorMapping> _generatorWriter;

    private HbmId _hbm;

    public HbmIdWriter(IHbmWriter<ColumnMapping> columnWriter, IHbmWriter<IdGeneratorMapping> generatorWriter)
        _columnWriter = columnWriter;
        _generatorWriter = generatorWriter;

    public object Write(IdMapping mappingModel)
        _hbm = null; 
        return _hbm;

    public override void ProcessId(IdMapping idMapping)
        _hbm = new HbmId();

        if(idMapping.Attributes.IsSpecified(x => x.Name))
   = idMapping.Name;

    public override void Visit(ColumnMapping columnMapping)
        var columnHbm = (HbmColumn) _columnWriter.Write(columnMapping);
        columnHbm.AddTo(ref _hbm.column);

    public override void Visit(IdGeneratorMapping generatorMapping)
        var generatorHbm = (HbmGenerator) _generatorWriter.Write(generatorMapping);
        _hbm.generator = generatorHbm;

This hbm writer handles IdMappings. IdMappings include one or more columns and a generator, so this writer composes a IHbmWriter<ColumnMapping> and a IHbmWriter<IdGeneratorMapping>. In this way, the task of creating the hbm representation can be managed by a family of visitors that delegate to each other as required.

Finally now, I can return to the previous point of why all the AcceptVisitor implementations call visitor.Visit(child) rather than child.AcceptVisitor(visitor). The former allows the current visitor to see that a different visitor is passed in when calling child.AcceptVisitor(). You can see some of this happening above, in the override for Visit(ColumnMapping) – it asks the IHbmWriter<ColumnMapping> to write the column. The implementation of that method will call columnMapping.AcceptVisitor(this). Thus, the Fluent NHibernate semantic model has an implementation of the visitor pattern that supports both single visitors that visit the entire graph themselves, and families of visitors that collaborate to get a large job done.