Sunday 5 June 2011

WebSockets @ Portland Code Camp 2011

Today I spoke at Portland Code Camp 2011 about WebSockets.

The code for the “perfmon in your browser” demo I wrote during the session is here:


I based my session around the HTML5 Labs WebSockets prototype which is here:

You will need to install the MSI available at the above link and then reference the dll’s that it installs as I do not have permission to redistribute the dll’s myself.

I used a particular Aurora build of Firefox that supports version 07 of the WebSocket protocol:

Thankfully I was able to fix all of my mistakes quite quickly so I did not have to use the 1.8 release of Firebug that I typically debug with in Aurora:

I used several NuGet packages (jQuery, JsonValue, json2).

I used Smoothie to do the canvas graph (if you grab the version included with my code you are getting my modified version):

If you have any questions or feedback on the talk drop me a line on email, twitter, or leave a comment here on my blog.

Thanks for your interest in WebSockets!